Vic Evora

First Glance

You’re the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—and even that is an understatement.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Forever is composed of nows.”
– Emily Dickinson

A crowded ballroom, their eyes encounter
Magnetic attraction at the first glance
Flirtatious looks while with others they dance
Gazillion blips in the Geiger counter
The end of the night, he quickly sought her
Anxious and fearful not to blow the chance
Meanwhile she walked in a rapturous trance
For her lonely heart felt emotions stir
At long last in the balcony they met
Both crimson-faced, nervous but excited
Moonlit starry night neither will forget
Cupid’s arrow both their hearts ignited
Erotic flames! hopeful they won’t regret
Fingers crossed, their eyes weren’t benighted
Fifty years hence, intensely in love still
Her coquettish looks, his lustful glances
Every night during suggestive dances
Aye! their tale scripted by a poet’s quill
Day they spend together always a thrill
In every way, whate’er circumstances
In whate’er they do, their love advances
Absence nor separation! never will
Yes, some can be fortunate; it happens!
But romance needs excitement and nurture
Spice up the adventure, spare no expense
They’ve mastered the art, their future secure
In the twilight years, their love still immense
For the lucky ones, it’s second nature
© Vic Evora

This poem is made up of two sonnets. The first sonnet describes how two people met and fell in love. The second sonnet tells their story after fifty years; how they remained deeply in love after all the years. Both sonnets are Petrarchan format.

#08062021 #EnduringLove #FirstGlance

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