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Vic Evora

Beautiful Morning

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

A water droplet on a blade of grass
One dewy dreamlike beautiful morning
But the sun’s rays vaporized it; alas!
The verdant blade suddenly more dazzling
In the radiant glare of the early sun
Shooting up to heaven slowly climbing
The misty haze lifted, soon it was gone
Morning blossomed into a vibrant day
As the sun rose, nature’s banquet began
The summer breeze blew in as the trees sway
Falcons patrolled the skies as songbirds sang
Wildflowers dazzle as butterflies play
In a li’l pond frogs in lily pads sprung
Their tongues lashing out at wandering flies
While up the trees robins sheltered their young
In the forest floor squirrels eye the prize
Acorn about to fall from the oak tree
The red fox behind bushes in disguise
Soon the morning sun reached its apogee
At its zenith there were no long shadows
The skies pale blue far as the eyes can see
Beautiful morn in the verdant meadows
With no cares in the world,  children at play
We’re hoping ‘twill be for all tomorrows
Pleasantness we longed for from break of day
We hope and pray will never go away!
© Vic Evora

“Today’s goals: Coffee and kindness. Maybe two coffees, and then kindness.” – Nanea Hoffman

The poem written in terza rima. Today is a special day because my latest grandchild is born today,

#2023 #BeautifulMorning #BlueSkies #Sunrise

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