Caricamento in corso...
Vic Evora

A Beacon in the Dark Sea

A feckless nation with no future
A gullible people with no character
Destined to be losers forever
Downtrodden and marginalized!
Sadly, the country I was born in!
My country is a grave embarrassment
Complete and utter disappointment
A stinging insult to her bygone heroes
Now turning in their graves
Given a chance for redemption
The people failed once more!
Given the potential for change
Our nation opted for the status quo!
Given an opportunity for greatness
Once again, we chose leaders
Who are shameless thieves!
We needed a hero
We needed Alexander the Great
But we chose Pinocchio
At the moment of truth
We yelled “Barabbas”
Thus, the country remains
A sinkhole of malfeasance
Where corruption is revered
Thievery a venerable profession
Plunder a badge of honor
Bribery the cost of doing business
Where political dynasties are rampant
Nepotism and cronyism
Are not frowned upon!
Where husband, wife, sons and daughters
Can hold all the levers of power
Where the presidential circle of friends
All become multi-millionaire oligarchs
Where justice goes to the highest bidder
While honesty and good governance
Are far-fetched foreign concepts
Often said, the people deserve their leaders
We elected them after all
We choose who are most like us to be our leaders
We choose those with our characters and attributes
Charlatans we elect, because we are
Thieves we vote for, because we are
We are a nation with no discipline
Absolutely no moral compass
We lack the strong mindedness and fortitude
Of the great peoples of the world
We are gullible, easy to please
And always wanting to please!
Our souls can be bought; had been bought
For a few hundred pesetas
We have a short-term memory
Of our inglorious past!
We’re short-sighted and myopic
No feel nor sense for greatness
Thus, we’ll end up in the hellhole
We were fifty years ago!
Truly our nation is doomed
To be the footstool for our neighbors
A laughingstock and a pariah
The eternal underachiever
Destined to be labeled victims!
Destined to be in debt to the nth generation
Is there hope for our nation?
Fortunately, there’s always hope!
There are lighthouses in the darkest oceans
Beacons of light to guide the lost seafarers
Leni Robredo was such a lighthouse
A beacon for honesty and good government
But our countrymen rejected her!
Let’s hope there will be other beacons
Who will arise, faint glimmers of hope
In the dark ocean
Then shine brightly in the next few years
So that six years from now
Change can be affected
A footstool no longer we will be!
The alternative: I dare not imagine
© Vic Evora
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