Together, we began. Exploring a new territory that never existed before– the place we created when we found each other. I was ordinary, and you were nothing special until we made love. ...
I am: the peaceful dove you see, flittering and floating high in th… I inspire your dreams of whimsical… promises of love and pain that wil… For I am sent by God,
The clock says 2 AM again I say I’m the loneliest I’ve ever… Sitting here on the side of your b… you’ve invaded my thoughts my feelings are pounding in my hea…
Breathe solitude, breathe freedom. Breathe from the empty space in be… Bleed from my wounds, bleed where… Bleed me away from all these old s… Teach me of truths to which my min…
Can’t forget the moment when we first met Chemistry was potent fuck the sparks fireworks explodin’
There is always a price to pay, for fleeting feelings gone by day. A receipt with no warranty, a promise with no guarantee all of my guilt
Nobody ever knew the secrets devouring you This is why you’re gone. I still remember the last time I wrapped my arms around you
No comparing you to beauty so conv… for your spirit transcends all whi… Ordinary flesh conceals the chaos… what makes you special has made yo… From deep down within has your sor…
Behind somber walls of this staine… lives a morose phantasm, who profo… The glow of the flambeaux highligh… in vain are your efforts: you’ll n… When madness first appeared, I wa…
Somewhere, a painting hangs in a g… encompassing the artist’s passion. His blood, sweat and tears stain t… something had inspired him, and the painting is his reaction.
No longer whole I am living life in pieces The more I try to overcome I see how much I need this. When did everything get so twisted…
I will allow myself my justificati… for leaving you and walking out th… at this point I owe you no explana… and unlike time and time before I… I know I swore to you if I made i…
A deal with a stranger, no good in… A contract unread, a contract is s… A raw deal, a copped feel, a barga… Time wasted and bitter tears taste… all fast forward
Dive into the past, beyond the bre… Eclipsing all memories of space an… hardened, contrived paradigms bearing no genetic resemblance to the present: which is fine.
Entertain the thought that the dis… —- It gets to me, addles my mind. Pain laces would-be suppressive dr… I go walking through the cemetery,