son of a gun
Jolly and free
cherishes and busy
Smiles of the sun
brighten the sinkholes of men
Eyes of the moon
key to the souls of men
With gestures of the Lord
blesses the drowned beasts.
At the dawn of Luna
the summer dusk
black poisonous harmony
seeped through the barricade of tis man
choked the luminous radiant
out the trachea of Grace.
The dawn of the first frost
Jonathan arose
to the dark of the new soul.
Nothing remained
but the drained black lymph of
what used to existed as love
Walking like the dead of men
Heart beats
but no red fluid was pumped nor circulated
Jonathan kept it that way
to keep himself astray
for the day
to pay back
his drowned beasts.
After all–
the son of Saul
His soul ended at the foot of the Philistines.