
People Always Leave

I have seen people go,
People always leave
They come and go,
Some stays,
Some goes
Some are good,
Some are bad
People always leave;
Some makes a difference in our lives,
Good and bad
Some stays for good
Other don’t care to look back
Leaves forever with memories
No keeping in touch,
No writing letter,
No sending emails,
No phone calls
Where do we go from here?
People always leave;
Some sticks with us forever like a shadow
Some builds us up,
Making us stronger
Some pulls us down,
Leaving us touching the ground
Some brings people together
Some tiers us apart with sadness,
Making us cry
Leaves us with nothing but making us weaker than ever
Some leaves without a reason,
Be self-centered for their own happiness,
Some leave,
Leaving everything behind,
Don’t care about turning around
Yea people always leave and some leave forever


Everyone has to deal with someone walking out on them that they love dearly who leaves and never comes back to their life

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