Miss Understood

Book Copy

Life is a book
full of individual pages
until society comes in
and makes all these changes
They rearrange the letters
change some words
and the  individuality we once saw
is now all gone
with every new page
Its Still all the same
now you read each page
and become a new slave
and you slowly change
into who they want you to be
losing your individguality
just another leaf on a tree
and yet you claim to be original you claim to be real
youre as real as the last
and as original as the clone before you
you see you’re nothing but a pawn
in the chess game of society
and look at your self like a king or queen
not realizing where you have been put
and how they’ve  gained control over you
letting you assume this is different from the last
but you were born an original so
Why would you want to die a copy
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