There was a man once Who did not step on cracks’ For the fear he had Of breaking his back He’d hop and he’d skip
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
There’s a secret to life Though no one can keep it It’s shaped many of men All those who have seen it It’s been written by scholars
Both of them were late To their very first blind date He stumbled around outside While she struggled finding a ride But once they were together
My shadow and I Once played hide and go seek I closed both eyes Not once did i peek I counted to the highest number
Everyone knows of the billy goat g… In every dark alley and valley the… Whenever wolves go out, they go ou… For if the gang catches them they… The walls are tagged with their ma…
Maybe just one more piece What could possibly go wrong It won’t really make a difference Oh dear it’s all gone...
There was a man With the largest of eyes They said he could see For miles wide A job as a lookout
The itsy bisty spider Came out the water spout Chased away my dog And drove my neighbors out I’ve stayed in this tree
On a bench in the park sat a man dressed in grey feeding the seagulls that flew in from the bay he wished he could glide
I had a starring contest With the wall I sat there all day But to my dismay I did not win at all
It human nature to hate the silenc… Since it’s only quite when your al… So surround yourself with many fri… And let sound fill your home
If I could invent one thing It would be a bubble blower I’d make myself a bubble friend And really get to know her I’d make myself some bubble boxers
If I don’t tip my hat When you walk by Don’t take me as being rude I’m a real nice guy please I swea… Don’t take me as a prude
Don’t step in puddles If you enjoy your leg Id rather you not Have to walk Wobbly with a peg