Tippy Tom liked to drink Tippy Tom would raise a stink Tippy Tom would stumble out Tippy Tom would walk about Tippy Toms gone missing
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
they sed you need edukashen two go sumwear in life but thats a joke just look at me ive made it here alrite
Could a time machine exist if it was built to fix the wrong because if we have a perfect past we wouldnt need one
Solomon grumpy Born on a Monday Woke early on Tuesday Stayed up until Wednesday Drove angry on Thursday
Make a cake Don’t make a sigh Make a friend Don’t make a lie Make a plan
Skinny Sarah would eat and eat But all the weight just went to he… They got so big she could only fin… Driving poles in at the farm She’d pick em up and drive em in
There was a man With the largest of eyes They said he could see For miles wide A job as a lookout
Yes I am a vampire But that does not mean I suck blo… I’m rather friendly give me a try There is no reason to run Now I beg you don’t fret
My friends all bragged Of the things they did James fought a lion But had let it live A snake bit Will
Peter piper picked a pot of hasenpfeffer Drank it down, took another round It couldn’t get any better Peter went back to the market
My parents trained the dog To let me know When dinner was ready So in I’d go I once came home late
I gathered up my feelings and put them in a box I hid it in my attic and sealed it with a lock since then my girl left me
There once was a man from Nantuck… Who sat out and played on his buck… He was joined by a singer from Ma… Who’s blues so sweet, would make i… Together they’d play, nearly every…
I always tuck my tongues Down into my socks I wouldn’t want them to scrape the… And have to taste the rocks I look out for my shoes