Who cares when you dance It’s not to the beat Your claps aren’t timed And you stomp your feet Be the first to dance
Never go to the circus You wont return the same My image is ruined and a tent is to blame I entered fit
Brooke got her name Because she likes to babble Teller got his name Because he likes To tattle Shaky got his name
Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
Jane and I hatched yet another pl… A more simple machine that we coul… We built a sleigh our dog could to… We’d hook it up and away we’d go Higher around it the grass does gr…
Peter piper picked a pot of hasenpfeffer Drank it down, took another round It couldn’t get any better Peter went back to the market
Carry a stamp if you need Carry markers, make sure they blee… Carry a pencil, a pen, a knife Carry these with you all of your l… Carry a chisel, carve in bark
The ruler sat upon his thrown His thrown of sand to all was know… His castle was feared far and wide As the strongest fortress near ocean side
His colors would not Follow lines A mangled mess The teacher finds “This papers all scribbles
My brain hurts from thinking all the thunks that I have thought or is it from the thoughts of thin… now it hurts more than it ought
What if the old man Who snored when it was pouring Did in fact not get up When it was morning What if after a ring of rosies
whats that you say I cant read lips Oh wait I’m blind Sometimes Even I forget
There once was a man from Nantuck… Who sat out and played on his buck… He was joined by a singer from Ma… Who’s blues so sweet, would make i… Together they’d play, nearly every…
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
She comes out of the ocean at nigh… To fold my clothes and clean my be… She like to pick up after me And make sure I’m always fed Slippery floors is the only price