~ S ~

Broken Promise

Special dedication

You made a promise and took a vow
To love me forever, but look at us now
You shattered my heart, tossed me aside
Ignoring the day I became your bride
You chose to ignore the love that we shared
The moment you took her into our bed
You broke me down, you made me cry
Leaving me lonely, wondering why…
Why did you do this, why don’t you care
Is it my fault you had an affair?
What did I do wrong, what can I do
Should I just accept that we are through?
You offered no explanation, no remorse
Just spitting the words– I want a divorce
Destroying our lives and hurting the kids
You are nothing but a son of a bitch
I wish you would die a slow painful death
I want to witness your last shallow breath
I feel resentment; bitterness I can’t quell
If I could, I’d send you straight to hell


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