Tim C.

Morning stillness

Light breaks
through the stillness,
and sun and moon
share a wistful gaze.
In these moments
am I recreated.
In this vast ocean
of unknowing,
do I reach
to touch bottom,
to extract a beginning
for this souls new day.
Yesterday was met
in the soft kindness of spring,
stretching toward love
to test this new skin.
But today I am turmoil;
I am winters
icy breath.
Enveloped in the sharpness
of memories gleaming edge.
In these self defeating moments
is this broken heart
sure to wail,
certain in grief,
to scream at all,
and all that ever was.
Yet here too
is my heart born anew.
For I am not one season
to pass without notice
to the next,
nor am I one “thing”
to be discovered
and understood.
I am all things,
I am all thought,
and the very root
of all imaginings.
I am the lover,
and the stranger,
and all the connection between.
And as I am spring,
will you grow with me?
can we reach
to each other?
And when the tempest rage;
come with me still
into the darkness.
Let us find there
all that lies broken,
let us feel
all we may mend.
Whatever we are,
let us only be that....
For tomorrow
shall we again be new.

Other works by Tim C....
