Thanks to the friend whose happy l… In Derry’s oaten soil frozen air When to the Citty late I bid fare… Beneath my firm resolves my scribl… The Ghost of my departed Muse you…
Thus sung the king’some angel re… From Eden’s tree to crown the wis… And now thou fairest garden ever m… Broad banks of spices, blossom’d w… O Lebanon! where much I love to d…
Have mercy mercy Lord on us & grant thy blessed grace Direct us in ye way of life By th’ sunshine of thy face So all the nations on the earth
Where waving Pines the brows of I… The swain young Paris half supine… Saw the loose Flocks thro’ shrubs… And Piping call’d them to the gla… ’Twas there he met the Message of…
Mourn widdowd Iland, Mourn, your… Mourn ye unhappy flocks your Shea… Around your grief in dolefull stra… & Lett ym in sad Eccho’s dy a… As sympathising wth their masters…
a Nations praise thine ample glory… or let the Nation find its praise…
Ye who ye Ld of host adore O praise his name alone O send his praises to ye skyes Untill they reach his throne his throne who’s ever ever blest
By the blue taper’s trembling ligh… No more I waste the wakeful night… Intent with endless view to pore The schoolmen and the sages o’er: Their books from wisdom widely str…
When thy Beauty appears In its Graces and Airs, All bright as an Angel new dropt… At distance I gaze, and am aw’d b… So strangely you dazzle my Eye!
Thou soft Engager of my tender ye… Divertive verse now come & eas… The Rake has wine the aged knave… Of what his death bed Charity wil… to lay his cares & mine are la…
Beauty rests not in one fix’d Pla… But seems to reign in every Face; ’Tis nothing sure, but Fancy then… In various Forms bewitching Men; Or is it Shape and Colour fram’d,
Ye Wives who scold fishes sell, Or sing sell your fruit, I want a wondrous thing to tell, Then (if you can) be mute. From some of You one Homer came,
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in
Thyrsis, a young and am’rous Swai… Saw two, the Beauties of the Plai… Who both his Heart subdue: Gay Cælia’s Eyes were dazzling fa… Sabina’s easy Shape and Air
Lovely, lasting peace of mind! Sweet delight of human-kind! Heavenly-born, and bred on high, To crown the fav’rites of the sky With more of happiness below,