This House and Inhabitants both w… And resemble each other as near ca… One half is decay’d, and in want o… The other new built, but not finis…
What ancient times (those times we… Have left on long record of woman’… What morals teach it, and what fab… What author wrote it, how that aut… All these I sing. In Greece they…
Beauty rests not in one fix’d Pla… But seems to reign in every Face; ’Tis nothing sure, but Fancy then… In various Forms bewitching Men; Or is it Shape and Colour fram’d,
’Twas when the night in silent sab… When chearful morning sprung with… When dreams and vapours leave to c… And best the Vision draws its hea… ’Twas then, as slumb’ring on my co…
a Nations praise thine ample glory… or let the Nation find its praise…
In Biddy’s Cheeks ye roses blow In Cattys nose they rise From Biddys lips soft accents flo… And streams from Catty’s Eyes The jet that Biddy’s brows displa…
Thou Gaudy Idle world adieu, & all thy tinsell Joys; I lovd thee dearly once tis true, But since a better choice I knew, Ive made that better choice.
As Nelly to a chamber got To take her leave of Ned She loosd her lace & Cast a k… (Ah why unlacd the maid.). Now pull the further end she cryd
Hail to the sacred silence of this… Hail to the greens below the green… Oft have I found beneath these sh… A reall in imaginary bliss for they my fancy sooth she’s a c…
When thy Beauty appears In its Graces and Airs, All bright as an Angel new dropt… At distance I gaze, and am aw’d b… So strangely you dazzle my Eye!
Look mercyfully down O Lord & wash us from our sinn Cleanse us from wicked deeds witho… from wicked thoughts within Lord I Confess my many sinns
Relentless Time! destroying Pow’r Whom Stone and Brass obey, Who giv’st to ev’ry flying Hour To work some new Decay; Unheard, unheeded, and unseen,
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire
Art thou alive? It cannot be, There’s so much Rottenness in The… Corruption only is in Death; And what’s more Putrid than thy B… Think not you Live, because you S…
My days have been so wondrous free… The little birds that fly With careless ease from tree to tr… Were but as bless’d as I. Ask gliding waters, if a tear