Beauty rests not in one fix’d Pla… But seems to reign in every Face; ’Tis nothing sure, but Fancy then… In various Forms bewitching Men; Or is it Shape and Colour fram’d,
When thy Beauty appears In its Graces and Airs, All bright as an Angel new dropt… At distance I gaze, and am aw’d b… So strangely you dazzle my Eye!
How bless’d the man, how fully so, As far as man is bless’d below, Who taking up his cross essays To follow Jesus all his days, With resolution to obey,
Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
Hark the thundring Drums inviting All our forward youth to arms Hark the trumpets sounds exciting Manly Soules with fierce alarms Peace affords an Idle pleasure
My days have been so wondrous free… The little birds that fly With careless ease from tree to tr… Were but as bless’d as I. Ask gliding waters, if a tear
When thy beauty appears In its graces and airs All bright as an angel new dropp’d… At distance I gaze and am awed by… So strangely you dazzle my eye!
Now kind now coy wth how much chan… You feed my fierce desire As if to more extravagance Youd manage up the fire In vain if this your meaning be
Now Crowds more off, retiring tru… On Eccho’s dying in their last re… The notes of fancy seem no longer… But sweetning closes fitt a privat… So when the storms forsake ye seas…
Gay Bacchus liking Estcourt’s Wi… A noble Meal bespoke; And for the Guests that were to D… Brought Comus, Love, and Joke. The God near Cupid drew his Chai…
Since bearing of a Gentle mind Woud make you perfect be Dear Celia to your self be kind By being so to me Hast to be happy while you can
Where Creditors their bankrupt de… Where men for want of coin to dura… & are for being wretched made… Where poor W—G—could months abide When all his creditt would not him…
Here Great Erasmus resteth all of… That Death can touch or Monument… Thy Hope and Virtue soard ye loft… Round ye wide world thy Fame &… Those meet rewards above and these…
The fleeting Joy that all things… Goes off like snow while Zephirs… The happy wish that makes our blis… it is not wealth it is not to be g… To glide along on pleasures easy f…