By Mellstock Lodge and Avenue Towards her door I went, And sunset on her window-panes Reflected our intent. The creeper on the gable nigh
From the slow march and muffled dr… And crowds distrest, And book and bell, at length I ha… To my full rest. A ten years’ rule beneath the sun
Why did you give no hint that nigh… That quickly after the morrow’s da… And calmly, as if indifferent quit… You would close your term here, up… Where I could not follow
We two kept house, the Past and I… The Past and I; I tended while it hovered nigh, Leaving me never alone. It was a spectral housekeeping
Dora’s gone to Ireland Through the sleet and snow; Promptly she has gone there In a ship, although Why she’s gone to Ireland
One without looks in tonight Through the curtain-chink From the sheet of glistening white… One without looks in tonight As we sit and think
The two were silent in a sunless c… Whose mildewed walls, uneven pavin… And wasted carvings passed antique… And nothing broke the clock’s dull… Leaning against a wormy poppy—head…
Around the house the flakes fly fa… And all the berries now are gone From holly and cotoneaster Around the house. The flakes fly!… Shutting indoors that crumb-outcas…
Queer are the ways of a man I kno… He comes and stands In a careworn craze, And looks at the sands And the seaward haze
If seasons all were summers, And leaves would never fall, And hopping casement-comers Were foodless not at all, And fragile folk might be here
I found me in a great surging spac… At either end a door, And I said: “What is this giddyin… With no firm—fixéd floor, That I knew not of before?”
When wilt thou wake, O Mother, wa… As one who, held in trance, has la… By vacant rote and prepossession s… The coils that thou hast wrought u… Wherein have place, unrealized by…
Nobody says: Ah, that is the plac… Where chanced, in the hollow of ye… What none of the Three Towns care… The birth of a little girl of grac… The sweetest the house saw, first…
We walked where Victor Jove was s… And passed to Livia’s rich red mu… Whence, thridding cave and Cripto… We gained Caligula’s dissolving p… And each ranked ruin tended to beg…
“I have finished another year,” sa… “In grey, green, white, and brown; I have strewn the leaf upon the so… Sealed up the worm within the clod… And let the last sun down.”