When first the crocus thrusts its… Up through the still snow-drifted… And folded green things in dim woo… Their crinkled spears, a sudden tr… Into my veins and makes me kith an…
[Author’s Note: The title means “… From yonder gilded minaret Beside the steel-blue Neva set, I faintly catch, from time to time… The sweet, aerial midnight chime—
Who is Lydia, pray, and who Is Hypatia? Softly, dear, Let me breathe it in your ear— They are you, and only you. And those other nameless two
Three roses, wan as moonlight, and… Each with its loveliness as with a… Drooped in a florist’s window in a… The first a lover bought. It lay… Like flower on flower, that night,…
Have you not heard the poets tell How came the dainty Baby Bell Into this world of ours? The gates of heaven were left ajar… With folded hands and dreamy eyes,
A PASTORAL SCENE: A roadside in Arcady SHEPHERD. Good sir, have you seen pass this… A mischief straight from market-da…
As there she lives and moves upon… So lived and moved this radiant wo… In Shakespeare’s vision; in such… Smiling upon Bassanio; such her m… When pity dimmed her eyelids’ gold…
[One of the Bearers Soliloquizes:… . . . Room in your heart for him,… Who loved each flower and leaf tha… And sang your praises in verses ma… And delicate, with here and there…
Here, in the twilight, at the well… I linger, with no heart to enter m… Among the elm-tops the autumnal ai… Murmurs, and spectral in the fadin… A solitary heron wings its way
They never crowned him, never drea… And let him go unlaurelled to the… Hereafter there are guerdons for t… Roses for martyrs who wear thorns… Balms for bruised hearts that lang…
Thou singest by the gleaming isles… By woods, and fields of corn, Thou singest, and the sunlight smi… Upon my birthday morn. But I within a city, I,
The first world-sound that fell up… Was that of the great winds along… Crushing the deep-sea beryl on the… The distant breakers’ sullen canno… Against the spires and gables of t…
Enamored architect of airy rhyme, Build as thou wilt, heed not what… Good souls, but innocent of dreame… Will come, and marvel why thou was… Others, beholding how thy turrets…
AH, sad are they who know not lov… But, far from passion’s tears and… Drift down a moonless sea, beyond The silvery coasts of fairy isles. And sadder they whose longing lips
THE rain has ceased, and in my ro… The sunshine pours an airy flood; And on the church’s dizzy vane The ancient cross is bathed in blo… From out the dripping ivy leaves,