Through tired eyes, I can clearly see, the universe captured within a single gaze...
Stand motionless. The battle before you shall be unb… Time utters a decree. Leached souls never are forgotten. Tears descend only to satisfy the…
The horrors in my heart have cause…
I deadened to be the sunshine that… walking through fire, i watched yo… lost in your nightmare, gone is my… held prisoner to all evil i was de… sanctuary i am from which you feed…
Admire not, The shedding of my tears... But rather, The journey of my fears.
Peaceful is the sorrow held within…
Coveted, you keep me vaulted in yo… Frantic, I search your frigid eye… Deliverance for a world hailed of… I am paralyzed by a life I cannot… Secreted, are your words scarred d…
In life, we meet many to hurt us a… It is up to us to let it go or dwe… In truth, we make mistakes along t… It is up to us to learn or blankly… If we become lost, not knowing wha…
You forever remain beloved in my… That such of two meaningful souls,… I breathe you as close as a knowin… Closing my adoring eyes, i mistake… Nearer i draw, to fade effortlessl…
You think it is fear you are drawi… But, continue to relentlessly corn… and you will realize fear is an un… A mask seeking to deceive what you… A prelude to the seething energy o…
When the day has come that I spea… and the flowers weep and creep ben… And above, the sky turns shadowy g… There, all blackness is screaming. I reach inside the fray to find my…
The delicate, fragrant, untamed fl… So beautiful! Timeless, flowing, peaceful rivers… Those stately sapphire skies... In no doubt, a glimpse into heaven…
You are the books you read, the mo… You are what you take from these. You are the sound of the ocean, th… You are a collection of every expe… You are every single moment in tim…
Breathing in deep A sea of dreams Rumbling rocks A violent shore Lightning turns to ice
Money and power Fortunes and fame Passion and pain Dominion and death.... Like revenge getting high off regr…
Before the serpent and no blood to… come muted hurricanes of hesitatio… The demons siege unfed upon a trys… deserving of enemies that cease to… In fire born pits of bloody hues,