Her pain becomes oxygen.
Pen in hand–
Her only release.
Spilling ink upon desperate pages.
Telling of times that weathered her soul.
Bleeding her thoughts intensely felt...
Gliding of sunrises and sunsets, held in no resistance...
Such bitterly known incarceration, becomes her absolute euphoria.
Untapped glory.
Providing a sanctuary–
That glimmer of hope...
Through words,
Each letter,
A divine weapon to chisel through hate, regret, remorse, betrayal...
For all tragedies known.
In washing light,
She breaks through prison walls.
Galaxies join the wishful, shining stars within her lone, blackened sky...
Dead planets return to life...
Beautifully charming her sorrows.
She now sees,
Before her blinded sight...
All the glory once presumed a deathly mirage.
Impossible destinations paint masterpiece, her aching tears.
Fallen heroes...
Gifting a lovely pair of wings–
It is within this blanket of melancholy...
She takes flight.