#Americans #PulitzerPrize
Beside the highway, the Giant Sli… with its rusty undulations lifts out of the weeds. It hasn’t been u… for a generation. The ticket booth tilts to that side where the nicke…
Seventy years ago I made a pair o… from six-foot two-by-twos, with bl… to stand on nailed a foot from the… If I was to learn to walk on stil… them red and I had to wait almost…
I have seen the Brown Recluse Sp… run with a net in her hand, or rat… what resembled a net, what resembl… a hand. She ran down the gleaming… of the bathtub, trailing a frail s…
She had turned her face up into a rain of light, and came on smili… The light trickled down her forehe… and into her eyes. It ran down into the neck of her sweatshirt
Long ago we quit lifting our heels like the others—horse, dog, and ti… though we thrill to their speed as they flee. Even the mouse bearing the great weight of a nugg…
On the floor of a parking garage I found a dead mouse. It was wint… the world gone gray outside and in… and the mouse a part of all that d… the smallest part. He stood
It’s a kitchen. Its curtains fill with a morning light so bright you can’t see beyond its windows into the afternoon. A kitchen falling through time with its thin…
The next morning I felt that our… had been lifted away from its foun… during the night, and was now adri… though so heavy it drew a foot or… of whatever was buoying it up, not…
Slap of the screen door, flat knoc… of my grandmother’s boxy black sho… on the wooden stoop, the hush and… of her knob-kneed, cotton-aproned… out to the edge and then, toed in
What once was meant to be a statem… a dripping dagger held in the fist of a shuddering heart—is now just… on a bony old shoulder, the spot where vanity once punched him hard
He was a big man, says the size of… on a pile of broken dishes by the… a tall man too, says the length of… in an upstairs room; and a good, G… says the Bible with a broken back
The gravel road rides with a slow… over the fields, the telephone lin… streaming behind, its billow of du… full of the sparks of redwing blac… On either side, those dear old lad…
The divorce judge has asked for a… and you wait at the back of the co… as still as a flag on its stand, y… falling in smooth, even folds that… to gather the dust of white bouque…
It seemed those rose-pink dishes she kept for special company were always cold, brought down from the shelf in jingling stacks, the plates like the panes of ice
In the clinic, a sun-bleached shel… on the shore of the city, you ente… the last small chamber, a little c… chastened with pearl, cool, white,… and over the chilly well of the to…