Never let go
A reminder to myself after l have spoken to Kanya
Never let go
of what you love
I have given up,
but the day,
that I met you,
all my dream
were returned,
bit by bit l come,
back to the memories
of my dreams
Writing has been gone,
and it has been returned
I have been always,
wanted to be,
a poet writer,
I hope one day
I will be,
Since you told me,
Not to stop writing,
I have written a lot
Including this,
special one
just for you,
It wasn’t easy though,
But I pressed
My pen on the,
blank page till,
the patterns,
comes alright
sometimes I wonder,
if boring stories
are interesting /funny either
/it’s like
seeing the smile
of a donkey
that never smiles
At all
You are phenomenal
little ordinary girl,
too adorable
to stop thinking about.
See you just now,
Thank you
By Tendai Moyo Alessandro