When you are truly seeing.
Swan is finally Boise, Idaho.
When she got there,
it was as bright
as she thought
it would be.
She knew she got there
with her soul
And so now,
she would simply go through
the rituals
of being a waitress
at a diner
in the center of town.
Where the counters
are as white
as the whites
of your eyes
when you are truly seeing.
It took
great courage
to claim her life
in this way.
To opt
for the humble
and the simple.
The radio
and tv
were gone.
The air purifier
provided the backdrop
for her steps
at home.
She would walk
from the room
to the hall,
and the hall
to the room
in great peace
finally found again.
shedding into
the passageways,
spilling onto the floor.
she could
stand on.
Taylor Jane Green