Swan Through The Storm

Fuzzy Dice

In the birth canal, it is not advisable to turn back.

Fuzzy Dice
hanging from the
rearview mirror.
Happy go lucky
or die.
You wake up
in this highly technological
and literate
There’s the drum,
the smoke
and the blanket.
Your spirit is trained
to work
with a signal.
Tow trucks grazing
in the local donut shop
parking lot,
painted up to look like
circus ponies
with names.
“Mom’s Toy”, “Joe’s Joy”.
Your spirit is trained
to work
with the signal.
My grandmother used to say,
About every third day,
I feel totally lost and alone.
And if I don’t, I begin to worry.
She’d say, I am a stranger
in a strange land.
That makes sense.
And tractor trailers?
Thing about tractor trailers is,
they’re on a mission.
They go to stretch.
Point A to point B and back.
The “and back” part
always stuck in my heart.
I met him at a used car lot.
Hi kid,
you’re just in time,
must be doing
your homework.
Now remember,
this job isn’t easy,
it’s just different.
Calls for a high tolerance
of disorientation
and ambiguity.
Ambiguity and disorientation.
If you breathe and blink
if you blink and breathe
without thinking about it,
you’ve got the job.
At the cocktail party
they said,
You can either
keep standing there
and slowly get picked away at
by a number of a us here
with party forks.
Or you can simply
go to the basement
and jump into the mouth
of the big whale
that is down there.
Well, I opted for
the whale, you know.
You had to fight to get out
when you were born.
And your head got
squeezed, and everything.
But you just knew,
you had to get out of there.
You understood that
during the birthing process;
anxiety, adversity,
addiction, depression...
the womb becomes
a hostile environment.
You understood that
in the birth canal,
it is not advisable
to turn back.
Your character in the movie
just became the hero.
It is your moment of truth.
The journey has begun.
Hi kid, you’re just in time,
must be doing your homework.
So here are the signs
to put in the car windshields.
Whale of a deal.
Automatic Steering.
Bucket seats.
I raised my hand and began to gently wave it around.
And he said,
And I said,
No, no.
I’m just airing it out.
Taylor Jane Green
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