Falling from the eye. Floating Softly in the air. Sparkling on the ground. Lays her angelic tear. Her arms are scarred,
She smiles as though she’s happy. She laughs as though her life is p… But the sad truth is she’s dying o… and not a single soul hears her si… nobody hears her cry and pleads of…
You meet You talk Its awkward Its funny Its pain
A single tear that is shed A single smile that is seen A single cry that is listened to A single Laugh that is heard Every word that is spoken
She Will Smile to hide the pain. She will laugh to hold back the te… Everybody sees the smile and hears… But what they don’t know is that s… She can’t fake forever, but when s…
Taken from a dream, And placed in what I call reality… Scattered hearts lay about Waiting to be fixed again. Scars lay upon the skin of those
If love hurts then why do we love?… Love is like a drug it makes us nu… It makes us forget about pain for… It makes you high until all of it… It than hurts you and forces you i…
How do you expect me to stop when… How can I heal when due to your w… Just stop speaking and start liste… Do you hear that? The sound of a shattering scream f…
I once thought I would fit in but then they began to see the sca… I once thought I could be thin but they told me that was an impos… I once thought I could run a mile
My demons are singing to the melody of my screaming My ghosts are laughing at the pain they are bringing My reflection is crying
Knives are to cut out self hate Blades are for those people who ke… Lighters are to burn out the thoug… Needles are to sew your heart Rope is to choke out the pain
I spend my days fighting and my ni… I get up each morning wiping away… I want somebody to see right throu… Somebody who will help fight for m… I want somebody to wake up and thi…
Life is such s beautiful lie. Its will break you, destroy you an… but you still love and want it. Its all just a nightmare coming al… All along death is waiting,
I thought of you today but that’s… for every day good or bad you’ll a… I hope you understand everything… this isn’t just a joke I’d never try to do anything to ma…
Her Smile. You see she’s smiling and think sh… but pull up her long sleeves and y… The pain that she faces every day. Every battle she has fought alone.