
Murderer in Disguise

Each day rushes by.
Not eating a single once.
Spitting up what she choked down.
Its hell.
but it’ll make her beautiful.
It’ll make him want her.
It’ll make the others jealous.
Just shed a few more pounds.
the numbers are dropping.
but its not enough.
She still wants less.
Her family is screaming for her to eat.
They want her to be happy.
but she won’t listen.
just keeps running.
and dropping weight.
She barely can hold herself up.
She stumbles when she walks.
Her friends are forced to wheel her to class.
They smile at her but when she looks away tears flood their eyes.
She wants to feel beautiful but he won’t even look at her.
Her family pleads at her feet that she eats.
but she shakes her head “Not until I am perfect” her shaking voice murmurs.
She is barely holding on.
She lays in a bed.
She is dying.
Saying She is eating.
She is lying.
She doesn’t hear what they are saying.
She still spits up all her food everyday.
She keep searching for beautiful.
but its slowly killing her.
She now lays in a wooden box, beneath the ground.
She shouldn’t of tried to lose a single pound.
She was perfect.
but seeing him leave broke her beyond no repair.
She kept trying to find beauty.
So she lays beneath black roses.
The numbers on the scale didn’t kill her.
He killed her.
He is now a killer of no known name.
A murderer in disguise .
Other works by Tay...
