Taryn Marie

Dear Mom

"If you miss me, remember we're looking up at the same moon at nighttime."

Dear Mom,
I went back to school last month
I learned a lot in orientation training
About leadership and inclusivity and being vulnerable
I made a lot of new friends—real friends that care about me.
I laughed a lot, and danced a lot
And I cried a lot too.
And I rode a golf cart through the sprinklers.
I got my group of freshmen,
And I got really excited to be a teacher.
I think you would be really proud of how much I grew those two weeks.
I’ve learned to paddle board,
And I made your spaghetti sauce.
You never made spaghetti without cooking for people,
So I made it for ten of my friends.
They all really liked it, and they said they felt like
You were there taking care of them. I did too.
The cat is still settling into my new apartment.
She hides in my covers a lot of the time, but
She’s learned to tolerate my roommates.
My room is small, but I like it here.
I got a new roommate, she’s an art major.
I don’t see her very much, I think she’s nice though.
I started playing your flute
I’m taking lessons, and I’m going to be a flute major too.
I have a good tone so far,
I still have to plug a couple of the holes though.
I’m going to play the song I played at your funeral on the flute for you
Hopefully for my senior recital.
I know that you love hearing me play
I think you would be proud of how much I’m improving.
I’m in four ensembles this semester, 18 credits
I joined steel band like I told you last year.
And Jazz combo is really fun.
I’m the first tenor now in Jazz band,
And I got first chair in symphonic band too.
I’m taking charge of the figure skating club now,
We’re going to put on a Christmas show this year.
I know you were really disappointed you couldn’t be at our last one.
Moving away was really hard
It was like all summer I didn’t grieve very much
But then when I got here it hit me like a bus.
The other orientation leaders helped me a lot.
It’s been really different without you.
I’ve been talking to Dad a lot more
And telling him about my days
But he doesn’t always understand what I’m talking about
Especially when it comes to music—
He’s happy I’m playing the flute though.
He cried when he left me here last month.
I know he cares, but he doesn’t understand like you did.
I miss you a lot, and I wish I could tell you all of this,
But you know that I’ll be okay.
I have a great community of people that care about me,
And I know you’re out there somewhere
Looking at the same moon as me
I love you a lot
Love Taryn

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