Tam Belle

Our Tree

The trees we planted years ago
That we thought died.
And we carved them and bled them
And burned scars into
But they’re still trees. Immovable.
Cowards and monsters that dance together
Angels and demons, the blind and the deaf
We are what we are. That is all.
Whether it’s enough or too much
Doesn’t even matter
Because it can never be more real
Palm trees that wither and wave and weep
Pines that never break or bend or budge
In this forest we built for ourselves
And get lost in and call home
The words are like wind And they break our limbs
And the rain..it rots us in places
And insects eat us in pieces
But none of it can take what we carved
Sometimes we shed our leaves And crumble and chip
But I hope you know and never forget
I grew as tall as I could
I just grew crooked and twisted
In a different way
The forest is filled with the pieces of us
But you will always be the pine
And I’ll always be the Palm
And willows will weep while wisteria blooms
Its always been that way
Cowards fear monsters and monsters hate cowards
The blind May never see..only be guided
The deaf may never hear more than vibrations
But godamnit. We built a forest.


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