Broken Wings69


its 12am an her mind wanders
she tends to think of something that happened
3 years ago or 2 hours ago
or something that could happen 15 years
from now, her mind
is like a hurricane its a wreck
she thinks all the things she did wrong
an all the people she hurt
she replays old convocation’s in her head
thinking about things she should of said
or things she shouldn’t of said
her mind is often overtaken by the one
person who broke her heart an soul
she remembers every word he said
every moment they spent together
she tends to overwhelm her self by worrying
about things she cant control
she wonders if the pain will ever leave
or at ease, she wonders
if she will ever be happy again
she thinks about all the shit
she has been threw
an why she lives this life
an wonders if there’s even a reason why
she should keep fighting
why she should get up in the morning
just to face another day of
heart ache an pain
she wonders If there will ever be a day
were she doesn’t have to fake a smile
or hold back the tears that are always
threatening to spill over
she wishes for a day where she doesn’t have
to act like she’s fine
when in reality she’s dying inside
her mind is like a river always flowing
its full of beautiful but yet awful things
she tries to shut her mind off for
just a few hours in hope of
getting some sleep where she can
escapes the pain she feels
its now 1am
an her mind continues to wander

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