I'm 15 with a goal, started when I was 13, trying to finish when I'm old, and yes again set with a goal.
Time to break from the poison Poison of a potion, my fantasy fri… I was hooked on you, like my rear… Needed for my uncommon desires, Loved for the abundant feelings
Pick a story. She seen a providential kid, with a smile that only appeared out of the blue. YOU and I both would think he has the mindset of many, the potential of others, and dreams o...
Behind this mask I choose to wear is hurt and despair. It really hurts, you could’ve stay… but instead you chose to float you… Seeing these girls laughing with t…
One day I will find someone who l… He will fear losing me... he will… Soon I will find someone who actu… No longer would I have to read ol… For I will wake up everyday to ma…