Swapna Madhuri

Majic of Love

Majic ensues from sparkle that leads and is said to be we are an item...

Those conversations lead me to existence. our comprehension makes me mad. it switches me as ardent, addicted, and overdosed. for no reason am twinkling when I remember you, am babbling into the mirror, getting craving vibes, silent laughs, and a million thoughts traveling inside,
if you ask what’s going on? am turn like blushed gleam.
because I know how much I am shy due to remembering. that leads me to make out. my eyes need to stare at you with a stream of consciousness, my mind travel with your thoughts in a trance,
I stroll in hedonistic and indulged in you.

am erase me turns as thy doll of you. my heart always to say something what I quest for, and what I need from him

“I want to be next to you,

have you felt the same when you meet your soulmate???

desire to cuddle you all the time until getting Your fragrance, I want to feel your ambiance until the universe ends

when am with you I just want to cease the clock, I know it’s insanity but I said its madness of LOVE.

and I strongly said it happened only to you. I experienced warmth and cold at the time of interlacing our fingers. I don’t know why.

basically, am top intricate but you attain me how?
”You heaved me from gloom to bloom and turns me warm makes me calm”

my dream was to see the real magic it accomplished when I see your EYES.

because I saw my face in eyes of yours, at that time I attain another heaven, I feel it when you hold my hand and brushed my shoulder, that sec I felt the whole EUPHORIA with me in the form of You.

for me those features become flickering; you can visualize that in my face that my beguiling actions make me elegant. am flourished everyday cause of your LOVE.
my heart asks me. “Who operates your mind and soul?
I answered


it's all about my Man when I saw him, I turn into his doll, I am always in his trance, maybe he decided my moods, am completely fall for him. I always got butterflies when we meet. What I experienced; I wrote in this.

#Excitement #Love #Trance

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