Swapna Madhuri

A Candid Conversation

me to nature...

Talking to my mind

under a deep violet sky. embellished with a dab of blue Slash of gray with Dark crimson shades on shadowed hills." got smitten sounds from unaddressed sparrows eventually reach the Dark, it’s all about cajoling

up above the sky, stars enhancing their structure to twinkle,

I wondered about the enlightened moon, and it hustles me to feel

Sofy patched layers, Snowy covered linings

have Strawberry down blueberry wine

I set the candles down to match the dazzling stars

to create a colorful evening all over it leads the celebration at the deepest corner of my heart I feel the joy from the Sofy breeze, the crazy breeze gives the curves
to the lights

it resembles the corn yellowed hue

it blazes at the top but remains muffled amidst drizzle falling with gusts but not with dust at that time I see the gaze on it, it split into two
am glad to see all the paints with colorful sketches

one is on the deepest sea as the fire of a phoenix other is on a far mirrored building, both are magnificent cuts with thin slits. I saw the beyond heavens through Thor resembles.
all of a sudden, my mind moved to the void but my heart guide, said to my eyes, “look at Selene, it may help your heart may serene”
time stands with a sofy breeze still, I found words for what I feel under you. I don’t want to hide I want to sing because you are enthralling my voice.

did you feel that lightning-like me?

these lines are from the days when I sit under the deep violet sky with my favorite moon. at starting days of the rainy season. I felt that the lighting was a painting when I saw that thunders with a roaring voice, I felt Thor rocking and he is playing the guitar

#Drizzle #Moon #Nature #SoftAirHowTheyAcquireMyAllMySenses #Thunders

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