Published in Star*Line
Where the bat sucks, there suck I… In my native soil I lie; There I couch when morning’s nigh… In a wolf’s guise I do glide All the evening stealthily.
I met my double late one night Coming up the stair. I would have scolded loud and long Except he wasn’t there. “Why keep these dreadful hours?”…
A bat with wingspread wide and bla… Hopped upon the sleeper’s back, Sucked the sleeper’s blood and sai… “You look quite pale. Best stay i…
No sooner has the sun gone down When I awake and go to town. Since vampires bit me where I lay I have to go to bed by day. I wander round while others sleep.
Two roads diverged in a horrid woo… and sorry I was to be there at all… Two roads, night fallen, there I… (would it have been thus if I’d be… under a thunder clouded pall.
I asked my love to hold my hand. My love was not afraid. I heard the steady pattering sound His stoutly true heart made. I gave my love a gentle kiss.
I chew wild ginger root when insec… When summer’s at its fiercest and… I feel the heat in every vein and… I feel the summer pounding at my b… I watch its glory setting in the w…
My bed is like a little brig; Nurse locks me in at night; Wraps me around in itchy wool And takes away the light. The night’s an inky scary blot
So you’re a witch, the lady said this was a lie my children told and I enjoyed I bobbed my head and in a teasing voice I said
Does your mom make you sit in a sw… She hurls it toward Timbuktu? Oh, I do think that’s the awfulle… Ever a mom can do! Splinters below and sunburn above,
lift the lid and the music plays a crinkling tinkling kind of a tun… and you hum along and it’s kind of… to picture Victorian brides and gr… drop the lid and it doesn’t close
Knitting sitting where the necklaces fall gathering up the shiny things to g… who bite them hoping for sugar
They think I whisper secrets to m… Another drooling booby on the dole… Another dirty, crazy, lonely soul. I am content to let them think lik… This disguise is wise. So says my…
Landlord, said I, there are bats… Landlord, said I, I confess that… You’re a good caretaker, neither s… I’d be much obliged for a fence to… An electrified fence would be nice…