Caricamento in corso...
Sue Marra Byham

Predatory Love

A predator in tie and tails
The sea of matrimony sails
But sails
When asked where is your better half
He answers with a careless laugh.
He says
At home.
He checks his watch and says goodbye
But ask those with a careful eye
If home
He goes.
And ask them if they’ve seen his spouse
Unbuttoning some dandy’s blouse
Or heard
Him moan.
The only thing that binds those two
Is what they dearly love to do
When far
They roam.
The only time they’re side by side
Is when the hint of dawn grows wide.
Then home
They go.
They lie in coffins filled with earth
Until the signal for rebirth
So if she seeks your company
Or for that matter if it’s he
Invites you so
For a late promenade or stroll
To some distant mossy knoll—
I wouldn’t go.

Published in the SPWAO Showcase #6

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