A Poet and a loose goose A beam with an empty noose Ramshackle existence, ravens chuck… Spiders webs hang, slumbering on w… Ultimately crisp bags, packets hal…
How many Psychiatrists does it ta… You tell me, Says the Asylum inma…
In the waves under a Dancing moon Like a caterpillar out of a fresh… This after Deaths sweep clean wit… You can’t wait for bad memories to… And to fill up with sunshine’s for…
Long departed Jew, did all kinds… Left his memory, after Death and… Long departed Jew, his old house… His ghost is maybe in there, in yo… Long departed Jew, did you think…
We only Live a portion of what we… We are Brain Blinded from what wh… By our own confusing possibilities…
In the grim stupor of darkness It hinders the slipping thoughts Of my mental universe As I scream the flops For the ratchet
I try to clap with my elbows Then get distracted By a poetry infusion Yes! I know what you mean But I’ve delivered my mind
A slip in the dripping croak of di… A campaign to relax in sci fi From a clapping ball boy in Berli… The lucrative freaky can of worms A social media Polaris stinking
A Drought at Close Quarters The Chinese have reflected the su… With these Giant Sky Mirrors As England gets drier and done Dried up reservoirs and Wells
He was a lousy mind reader But he was yellow hat positive He thought he had X Ray vision And took porridge in a lift He made sure he was measuring
When God made the human Body He didn’t include Coffee When Adam and Eve were in that G… Things were not that Jolly And there’s no Coffee in the Bibl…
I’ve been pulling on a church bell… Trying to encourage some hope In my Elton John high platform sh… And my hair spiked upwards, in sup… I’ve climbed on the church slate r…
Boris jugular vein Had a thrombosis on his ice cream Scattering his grain in grimaces That’s tame Gluttermangle shoeshine
Cleverness Head, library in bed Dictionary,tied to his leg Knows everything, everything said Cleverness head, algebra well read Taught his wife, geometry
Clutched in sit, you are in the sc… Munching fielded flowers, in tickl… Jumping down on a road drill Built those sinews, in arms, up There you are, strangling a hurt c…