The moon should be Cautious of us Because one day we will Be looking Down to her And She shall pledge to us
The truth in the midst of lies, th… Threat and stab; heart could never… The poor lies of filled wealth whi… In albatross of the world at will. And to slip and bleed from a restf…
Words cannot say How long i would love to live Words be dear not to say How much i would rather live to fi… Words better not say
Love me with no range; and never p… Through me, love me like a gate an… Cease to open me, love me like a m… Same and exact with no compromise. Love me peacefully like bodies dro…
I have spread the sheet to my bed… Now that there is no more experien… Now there is no more poetry, and n… There is nothing new to write abou… Under the sun or far away from bey…
Many could milk a cow or Learn how to milk a cow and Still obliterate to cluster the st… One take in milking a cow, Multiple could shoot a rifle in ev…
How deep Can love Swim Or How
Hunger for silence Voice cracked whistles blown Cattles lost Ego’s bruised
Is this life I seek Is this purity I recall Is this love I felt Is this death I ordered And If i could write them all,
There is just only One thing Separating Me and my Bad habits
For you to be reading this At this exact time Is not an honor It was meant to be.
Let me not seek before my faith is… When the buds are trimmed for love… Not for unusual traits or heart wr… And not for solidarity to beg or r… Some debt; which my heart will dec…
Is life meant to be? Is love meant to stick? Is death meant kill? What chapter do you call this? In this chapter, I have wept for…
Nature is A beautiful And most Hated luxury But you
My wishes—for all their dreams, I wish i could help, i wish i coul… The frost on the glass and hope fo… Not the stress but ease, and for t… To laugh at me when I wish;