All this Words looks Exactly the Same I bet
I cry blood I cry a very dark red blood I cry I cry to read along the lines I Cry a meaningless tear sometime…
If you ever thought of a girl perhaps wasted anytime with someon… Or no one. If you ever walk with loud manly Conversation with your friend
When you light up My dreams brightens When you smile and pause My heart pause a beat When you cry
You don’t have to be in distress t… Just like you don’t have to breath… You don’t have to be tall to leap You certainly don’t have to be sho… You don’t have to be loud to sing
Only If You Could jump Out
I am A Different Person in Real life,
Pretend to sleep tight and secretl… bare interest so if light will dec… aware and if the night will yawn w… are famously put to rest.
One will fail to believe, if not Seen or perceived, what solemnly; Another heart had muster Precariously, for intent or brief A talent titled grief.
You would Notice I Always Use I Before you,
A drunk man once asked me Do you write? And I was like yeah I can put words together, He looked at the cup he was holdin…
I can play Different roles But there have To be no rules Or tears because
Demons I will bring out the demons in you I will close the trenches and make The demons feed in you They will feel what it’s like for…
There is just only One thing Separating Me and my Bad habits
many writes poetry now, many writes about life and they wi… were not alive but when they hears… they run and leave their shoes beh… many writes about love,