Most of them Lives here But as a Visitor I Lecture them
Why are they dressed in red and wh… A black long fur facing towards th… A gold button parting the blood an… Misery of their own existence, and… To please; they are slow nature of…
Give me A guitar With No strings, Mouth me
These are the real Poets/writers The ones with glasses and Always taking pictures In black/white
Never forget To Do Your own Thing
Never stay far away from me, Even when am in distress, and my b… Can no longer bear; or swift with… And compassion strikes out only fo… Never stay far away from me,
There is nothing special About being normal If it be cheating, Cheat Or perhaps laughing, dancing
My wishes—for all their dreams, I wish i could help, i wish i coul… The frost on the glass and hope fo… Not the stress but ease, and for t… To laugh at me when I wish;
I will be a father soon I am excited and by his Grace com… I will take your first step with y… Blessing the heavens for a natures… I will love and cherish your exist…
I think mostly When there Is no ink No pen Or when my
It will not make you rich It doesn’t mean that you are speci… There are no extra powers Only an effort will do And you will never stop
The chances Of me Acquiring Success Is the same
As hours goes by Dawn after dawn Season after seasons And tears mapping face, I’m still fading.
A bird with a flightless wings That is what her love brings When clock can tick no more Like a naked eye of a devils core. With a shame your rebel foresee
You don’t need Grades To do this Everyone does it And it