Have you thougt Beyond your world Where feelings Are mystery, Where there is no love
There is this thing It frightens me and Scary at the same time, They are tiny voices Very small but weirdly
They lease my soul from me They pay with dime; with dime– Did my flesh buries far beneath to… Nor behold a light; who shall see… I bellow at thee who mourn or weep…
A fool i was to rest on beauty, To lean my back on gratitude, On just a sight and nothing but Just a sight of what i cannot Do nothing but please.
I can play Different roles But there have To be no rules Or tears because
Ann know your moors As people call it anonymous. I love having a special power A super power An uneven power
Oh how marvellous It is to Write and drink Your guts out, How scary
How deep Can love Swim Or How
I am a father I am a mother I said I’m a friend! Your friend A neighbour
I will live by words I will conquer every negative emot… By words I will perish boredom by words I will let the words swim steadily…
They are roaring And ready To go but My shoe Laces are still
I have love life The same eversince: I have love the hard Spent days when money shows no favour,
A relationship without love is lik… Disco of sex, a music, a carpeted… And army of glitzy light of nothin… But a waste of one’s effort to suc… Perhaps love is easy to frisk
I still have Enough fuel To fill my Thoughts Because
You should see the sketch of sorro… You should see the pain written in… You should try to dig what is hidd… Can you not see how her eyes are t… When her brows flinches up and dow…