A drunk man once asked me Do you write? And I was like yeah I can put words together, He looked at the cup he was holdin…
Hiya. I’m just checking in How are we all doing? I hope this year haven’t swept us… Family & relations good?
It’s better to just write it The funny times when Jokes Don’t make you laugh When you laugh in hurt Smile in pain
The journey yet so far I have walked the walk covered in a grimy sun dust Beaten by avalanche of rain But the journey yet seems soothing…
My wishes—for all their dreams, I wish i could help, i wish i coul… The frost on the glass and hope fo… Not the stress but ease, and for t… To laugh at me when I wish;
Henceforth.. Take a look at the leaves Leaving their mother For the first time For a new experience,
I will not be too Quick to put a label On something that might Last forever if we try.
Oh how marvellous It is to Write and drink Your guts out, How scary
You don’t need Grades To do this Everyone does it And it
Many years are so distance And i was secluded from too many y… But lately the days are so pleasan… And the moon blossom through her p… The sky is generously proud and ga…
O, ye the bright sky summon thee Before the crimson light forsake n… With the numb cloud morosely still… So does the teardrop– warmish will… Lightening’ a little or with a pi…
To whom; who death might delight, Put on your socks and your glass And glimpse through a river That breath gust of elite; gust of… Which you will miss gracefully
Oh sleep and rest thy dazzling eye… Nor snore aloud with breath-stinks… Countenance cover’s it or lay stil… Of thy thoughts out bare; stay sti… Claws or brows; Oh now it’s mire,…
Take a look at the road where we a… My future, your future, our future When the time comes How will we all contain in our own… How will the world see our own shi…
There are sweetness in his blazing… Admiration of kind mind that winds… So, why halt? when the symphony Of grasp still commence, I can see the shadow line of where