adversity, gain, venture, adventure, ocean
Fighting immortals Men call fairytales Writing words with little meaning Trying to drown out the sunbeam gl… Radiating from within
Killing questions with shade Sipping cool-aid under palm trees Watching haters burn & fade Into the sea Dancing stupid under flashing ligh…
Painting skies In hazy eyes Writing lullabies Watching truth become a lie Hungry for a morsel of honesty
Crazy like the weather You blow me away like a feather Trying to convey my soul spark Laughing at me in winters stark Picking me apart
Enveloped in illusions Seduced by the glamour In every situation I’m a minotaur Rubbing the fairy dust from my eye…
Twirling in a dizzying array of wo… Held captive to the orchestra of t… When the icy breath of winter appr… My dismay is irreproachable Sleeping in the arms of slumber
You make me crazy Every moment drenched in gold You take hold of me Like a love story once told Swinging in the park
Reaching in the frigid cold Searching for a hand to hold To give me hope To give me strength In the hallows of my mind
Staring into blue Picturing myself with you Dancing in neon lights Drinking till the sun comes up Getting lost in a sea of lonely he…
Danger stalks far & wide Questions linger in the air Waiting at the curb to catch a rid… Staring at the car lights Ready to set off a flare
This fairytale Has turned into a horror scene Happy memories into a dream Succumbing to boredom Taking off the rose colored glasse…
You write me Like lyrics to a song My head spins round My heart feels numb With my finger on repeat
Jumping in the sky When I’m in your arms I soar Diving into the Milky Way Trying to make the fear of love ok Flying over rooftops & seas
I wished upon a star And here you are Standing right in front of me Like kismet Writing words with little meaning
Irrational Fighting emotions Logical Fighting devotion Counting sheep