Smelling like perfume And your lips as soft as rose peta… Painting me in the memory of your… Trying to forever remain lost in t… Years have past
Last Saturday night We never said our goodbyes We left behind our little white li… Rubbing cheek to cheek With a smile & a wink
Liquid silver running through my v… A prism lies just beyond the guise Deceiving our feeble mortal eyes Few realize, few embrace The unknown—the unexplained
Fighting in shades of gray Mouthing words I cannot say Before the battle ends Night descends Falling upon hearts betrayed
Twenty five Afraid to live Afraid to tempt fate To want what others have– How sinful of me
Upset I can’t control The outset Jealous Carefully meandering
You gave me a promise I relied everything on you In time you let me down You distort my love for you Into a ravenous wolf, a clown
The organs played As I began to fray Sitting in a state Of being perpetual irate Supposing death a suiting thing
Trying to figure out This thing called love Fighting you for no reason Thinking you’ve committed treason Fearing what my imagination shows…
My love haunted My hope hunted All I ever wanted Was to be wanted Waiting for your call
Smiling while letting go Everything black has turned to sno… Digging to unearth buried feelings Searching for love everlasting In this world unabashedly
Maybe we’re wasting time Pretending to be fine Not addressing the strain We inflicted on our brains Naming names
Another yr older Throwing wind into the fodder Picking myself apart Stumbling in the dark Trying to find a piece of who I u…
Falling from the sky Silencing the hearts cry Feeding lies In hopes of filling hungry eyes Subjecting the innocence
Staring into your auburn eyes Wishing I could bathe in your lov… Dreaming of you when I’m awake My head spins whenever we kiss My Body quakes