Max Leopeng

Love said...

In the early hours of the night she ran towards me,
I knew right away something was not right.
Gasping for air she said
“your lover, my mother, is almost out of breath
crying herself to death
I call on you for help for you are my father.”
“but who are you? How am I your father?” I inquired.
She said, “I am what all humanity seeks earnestly,
yet when found lost so easily.
I am love.
I was born when you both opened your hearts to each other.
I’m tired of people giving up on me.
I’ve been ridiculed and abused.
Misunderstood, accused, blamed for human selfishness.
Your generation cares little about me,
thus they’re full of emptiness.
Some have died without knowing me.
You had me and handle me,
my very existence you can prove.
Now please save your lover, my mother,
dry her tears, fight her fears
I promise I’ll repair you and bind you in eternal truth.”


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