Her Ladyship

The way life goes

Standing under grey skies
Stinking open sore swamped by flies
Patience from within listening to him mumble his lies
But you’ve been down that path
You’ve felt desert winds and life’s wrath
They ran your blood for their bubble bath
They gambled your bones for luck
And your veins they used to tow cars stuck
Feeling like you’d been run over by a truck
Feeling dizzy, feeling faint it seems
You drifting through lucid dreams
Hearing faceless kid’s screams
The echoes keep you awake tonight
Your chest contracting, your heart feeling tight
Like a cardiac arrest in mid-flight
Laughing and loving in vain
Can’t get used to the pain
Your heart yelling like a badly greased train
Crooked ways, reaping whirlwinds instead of wheat
Turning to shady drug dealers for weed
Hoping it will engulf you with the comfort you need
But it made you into the reckless girl next door
A highway patrolling whore
With vile and greedy men feasting at your core
Shipwrecks and broken dreams are paternal twins
Lost on open shores and empty skull brims
Tearing your soul, flesh and all the in betweens
I told you, hold on to your dreams tonight there are no shooting stars
Just deeply blurred scars
On shaky radars
Now here you are with aborted visions
Like one legged missions
Can’t really trust your superstitions
Friends shaking heads, strangers pointing fingers, small brains
As they laugh at your period stains
Using your hopes to clear their blocked drains
Taking your heart for a doormat flung in the street
To wipe the dirt off the soles of their feet
Head hung low as you bleed
Sunken eyes, sloping shoulders, fainted fame
Can’t scrub the mold off your name
But now who’s to blame?


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