Scott Ransopher


The sun comes up and lights the sky on a beautiful springtime day.
He hears birds a’singing and children playing
And flowers bloom all the live long day.
But as the wind dies down and children tiring,
He knows it won’t be long before twilight time!
Like the summer days, he’s all so hot and the sun is shining down.
The crops are all in and the birds have borned,
Growing feathers and losing their down.
But as the sun came up, it is going down and he knows it’s almost twilight time!
The harvest is done and the leaves have fallen
And the birds have all gone home.
The air is cool and so very still
It makes a tired soul feel so small and all alone.
And as dark approaches, it makes him know so does twilight time!
The snow has come and the ground is white and the groundhog has gone to bed.
Not a creature is stirring, everything is still
And he sees the is white on his head.
The breathing is hard but he goes on slow, his steps are short and not defined.
But now he knows, it’s his twilight time!

written 1998

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