Saro Bedian

I May be an Oxymoron, From Time to Time

If one must be generally specific, bent straight on terrific,
They must be an original copy, paradoxically,
Dropped lifted, sifted through the Sands of Time,
They say the best mind is no mind, one of these are my kind,
Medicinal therapeutic toxicity, humbling boss bombastic hits for me,
A clarifying mystery, modern history,  
I don’t do, much less know ignorance,
My past failures taken and passed to the future tense,
Diffuse yet dense, mildly intense,
We trail paths off into the distance in the aftermaths,
Close at hand meant to last, a lot of solid gas,
An emancipating jailor, a quiet wail in a long slow fast,
Missed hits on demand, one needs a good reprimand to no avail,
I’m a grown up child, a backwards progressive with a front as a tail,
Instinctually programmed, defensively offensive,
A pacifist activist, an internally extroverted sensationalist,
A temperance temptation, a selflessly selfish manifestation,
A taste of bliss within hardship, a homebound trip of trivial wit,
A sublimely mundane participation in exclusion,
A constrictive expansive welcome intrusion,
A real illusion, a concentrated dilution,
A freeing restrictive symmetrical contusion,
Logical intuition, a submission of retraction,
A desired imposition, empty satisfaction,
A tense sense of relaxation, an easy taxation,
An abstract condensed minimalist to the max in crowded isolation,
A lax industriousness, more never amounts to much less,
Regressive progress,
An uneasy calm, a roaring hush,
A stinging balm, a gentle push,
Such and such is this and that, I am a man with many hats,
Take it all as actual fact, like hard science and practical math,
One is only what one is when one is being it,
Upon this truth I rest my head, otherwise I’d quit,
When looking at a gemstone one does not look at one facet,
If given opportunity to be truly free, don’t pass it.
Other works by Saro Bedian...
