Saro Bedian

Hypnosis is The Magician’s Trick

The wealth of the ages the pages did turn,
Sages on stages the fires did burn,
Yearned for by learners of wisdom, it did them good,
They kid themselves yet; they hid as they should,
Set up solutions to problems with potions of magic,
To tackle the masses’ habits and practical mathematics,
They grab it and drink it up, the cup of life, the strife now shut,
A light in the darkness, to carry a torch is enough,
The merry magician pleases the crowd,
The scary position of the churchgoers proud,
Holding no doubt that they’re sinners,
Speak of the woes of Christ’s passion to listeners,
And oppose evolution, after a fashion,
Economic growth and systems crashing,
Boasts and brags about dough and shags,
Rags to riches, life switches us up, sometimes tags us and cuts,
We hang on hoping we belong, looking for a light,
Always filling our faces with sounds and sights,
Everything speaks to us always for sure,
It talks to me often, if I’m not impure,
Developed this sense of a way within Time,
To time one’s own moves on a turn of a dime,
Endorse, ensure, enrapture, incur, capture and lure,
Distractions for sure, reactions to words, concoctions absurd,
Distraught and disturbed, not an utter can be heard,
But what of the spaces between lines that are blurred?
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