Sarah Brittany


Full of insight
Full of love
No doubt in my mind
sent to us from above
A lifetime of advice
He’s almost 93
coffee and Jesus lover
and head of the family
The most influential man
I’ve ever known
To walk with Jesus Christ
He has continuously shown
Many life lessons
to us he has taught
Pray on your knees
and eat ice cream a lot
Plant a garden
buy a tree
wait a year
and you will see
the apples, tomatoes,
peppers and pears
store bought vegetables
or fruit can't compare
He’s taught me acceptance
because often things change
for so many things
we want to be explained
He reminds us to
follow God’s plan
because most things we aren’t
meant to understand
He loves many things
dislikes, he has few
He's a brother, father,
and Grandpa too
Zaxbys salad
with ranch is his fave
“Nothing compares”
He will always say
His body may be unbalanced
but not his brain
Just ask him and he’ll say
“I don’t need that cane!”
He’s fascinating in
every which way
WWJD bracelet
we all wear every day
Papa is nothing less
than an incredible man
A blessing to all
And forever a friend

Other works by Sarah Brittany...
