Sarah Brittany


Birthday- October 15, 2011

A man full of love, a man full of life
A man full of an undying love for Christ.
A hero, role model, and a blessing to me,
With an incredible amount of care for his family.
The candy man, pizza man, and ice cream man before,
But always army grandfather and today is so much more.
He’s been through more than anyone can bear,
But his family will always be beside him, our bond is very rare
His love for his wife has grown from the start,
Not that she’s in a better place, she will forever be in his heart
A diabetic, a widow, and a veteran as well;
Through a pacemaker, knee replacement, and nor surgeries to dwell
Through Zippy Mart and TPS and raising a family of 6,
13 grandchildren too, watching all of their dances and tricks
It takes a lot to live the life of David Franklin Sandbach
He lives to serve and love, there is nothing that he lacks
He’s a walking angel of God; to his life I compare my own.
An apostle, a friend, a brother, his light of Jesus is shown
A father and a son too he’ll catch you if you fall,
But most importantly my Papa, a leader to us all!

His 87th birthday

Other works by Sarah Brittany...
