Sanora White

OUR 2010

i keep staaring at our photo
that we took in 2000-1-'O’
i stare for so long
i never want that moment forgone
i wanna feel it again
the touch of ur lips felt like rain
god knows i miss u
n things i wud do to kiss u
ppl say its gud ur gone
what i ve lost is realised by none
i cried last  two nights straight
our photos were being raid
i pretend tht photo is alive
it gives me an amazing vibe
the smile on my face
n ur passion and grace
its hard to let go
even time is going by so slow
i remember evry pretty small detail
our 2010 valentine’s tale
we met at our regular hide spot
my fav rose, u hadnt forgot
it had only one leaf
u know how roses make me feel
u stole a kiss that day
u surely swept me away
we also fought tht moment
i made u feel bad in our argument
i dont remember IF i said this
forgive me for saying those things, please
i ws immatured
but u were all i cared
now that i think about it
u are the only guy that fit
i know things that went wrong
i hve fit all it into a song
i want it back
all those emotions packed in a sack
we ll together store it on a rack
just hve me back...

Other works by Sanora White...
