Uni... energy. Unit... of time prescribed. Union... of spirits in the moment. Unique... encounter. Unicorn... embodied.
Precariously balanced, I live on… The view is better here Sometimes I slip from a rocky led… Falling from grace and consumed by… Then comes pain and healing
When we first met I saw your ligh… Unaccustomed to the brilliance,… But I stood my ground, when in th… Hoping our love was too hot and br… A powerful woman and embodiment of…
Alone together Joined in crowded solitude Birds of a feather Quiet introspection Ignoring each other’s pain
With hungry subjects clamoring who… A supply ship was routinely dispat… Honorable captain, once an adventu… Exotic places he had visited, the… Duty bound old man now on routine…
Aggressive questioning of settled… New eyes seeing familiar scenes. Self-serving lies or self-deceptiv… Tribulations commence as the trial… Unsuspecting innocence and unguard…
Ignoring riptide warnings, acting… Swept away by the current and poun… The stakes are high; a matter of l… Doing battle with Poseidon, gaspi… Finally surrendering to fate, I s…
Dark, cold obsidian black, and fie… Earth’s nurture absorbed by the li… Tap root reaching downward anchori… Fallen cosmic magic drawn inward -… Family tree, tree of life
I had lost my bearings and was dri… Your love beaconed me like a star… Your light led me out of the darkn… In your arms I found catharsis. I must give credit where credit is…
Soar Anna, find your stride. Your life promises to be a good ri… Mean what you say and say what you… Establish your life’s rhythms, fin… Never leave doubts that what you s…
Our souls fit together like two pu… When we’re together we do that whi… When we’re apart we sometimes forg… But, when we’re together we’re eac… We are connected eternally
The angel Gabriel has blown his h… Descending darkness is the new nor… As Gaia dies only some come to mo… The mob watches shows and eats pop… No one’s looking and the Golden F…
If you are created in God’s imag… If your ancestors fell from His g… If you must be forgiven to join G… From a Christian’s perspective, w… If all creatures have a karmic sou…
Triquetra humours passage features Force of nature on divine creature… For man’s evolution he must be tau… And woman’s love must first be sou… Fair maiden’s beauty bewitches a…
If I couldn’t remember the sparkl… I might suspect that you are a dre… If I couldn’t remember the timele… I might suspect that you are the w… If I couldn’t remember how you co…